Q. I can't authenticate to Beagle. What should I check?
A. Neglecting to append the @beagle.com.au is the most common problem experienced by users. Also, ensure the case of the password you have entered is correct and consistent with the password you supplied at startup
Q. Will Beagle Internet be a local call for me?
Yes, our service is a local call everywhere around Australia.
If you want to double check, please call Telstra. To calculate the cost of your call, phone 132200 and simply say 'call cost' after the prompt . An IVR system will lead you through the steps to calculate the cost.The Beagle Internet dial-up number is 0198 333 743.Please note that if your local call provider is someone other than Telstra, you must contact them instead.
Q. Does Beagle have session limits?
Beagle does not have set session limits. We do, however, have a soft-session management system.
When you connect to Beagle, each dial-up session has a minimum duration of four hours. Your session will only ever be terminated if all lines are full. If there are free lines available, you will be able to stay on line for as long as your phone line can sustain the call. If disconnected, you are then allowed to dial in again immediately. Please note however, that you must not configure your computer to auto-redial.
We aim to provide the best possible service to our customers and many of our customers can
stay online for over 1000 hours on a single session.
Q. How can I automatically disable call waiting when I dial the Internet?
A. You can disable call waiting while calling Beagle Internet by prefixing our dial-in number with *44. That is, the dial-in number becomes *440198333743. Please note that if you use Optus as a telephone provide, you must use #87 instead of *44.
Q. What Modems do Beagle Support and Recommend?
A. Beagle do not explicitly support or recommend any particular brand or model of modems. We do however strongly recommend to our customers that you do not use so-called 'softmodems' or 'winmodems'. These modems perform many of their tasks in software and can be affected by other tasks on your computer. We recommend using external modems that perform all modulation and demodulation functions in hardware such as the Netcomm IN5710.
Q. I'm getting drop-outs, what could be causing it?
Diagnosing drop-outs is extremely difficult. Typically, drop
outs can become worse after heavy periods of rain when water can
enter into telecommunication pits in the street or other parts
of the infrastructure. Drop outs also can occur if you're not
using the correct initialization string for your modem, have
poor phone lines in your area or are using a 'softmodem'.
Always ensure that your modem drivers and firmware are up to date
with the manufacturer's latest version.
Drop outs could also occur if you have a 'call waiting' service
enabled on your phone line. The 'beeps' that occur when an
incoming call occurs introduce noise onto the line that the modem
is incapable of tolerating.
You can disable call waiting while calling Beagle Internet by
prefixing our dial-in number with *44. That is, the
dial-in number becomes *440198333743.
Finally, you might not actually be experiencing drop outs but rather
your PC is closing your connection when it thinks you do not need
it. In order to verify this, you can check your disconnection settings
in Outlook Express by:
Q. What Modem initialization string do you recommend?
A. Due to the wide range of modems available, we suggest that you refer to your manufacturer's documentation for modem strings.
Q. What speed should I expect to connect to Beagle with?
A. Beagle supports the V.90 56K modem protocol. You should expect to connect to Beagle at around 48k-54k speeds if your phone line is in excellent condition.
Q. Does Beagle support ISDN DoV (data over voice)?
A. Yes! You will need to set your dial-up number to 0198 334 743.
Q. I am using an ISDN service, what will it cost to dial-up?
A. The call cost will vary based on which carrier your ISDN service is with and what plan you're subscribed to. Please refer to your carrier's plan information and conditions for further details. Some carriers provide a capped cost plan for data calls. If you intend to be a heavy internet user we would strongly suggest you subscribe to such plans to ensure your call costs are deterministic. Please note, this section related to digital ISDN services and not regular 56k dial-up.
Q. I am using the Secure Dial-up Service. How do I know it's working?
A. When you dial-in to 0198 333 743, it works automatically and no further action is required from you. You can double check this by clicking this test link - http://www.eicar.org/download/eicar.com. An access denied page will appear if your service is working correctly.
Q. I use a non 0198 compatible phone service. Can I still use Beagle Internet?
A. Yes! We can provide you a local call number for each our of POPs nation-wide. Please note that you must call the appropriate number for your area, otherwise you may incur STD charges.
Q. How can I check my dial-up usage?
A. Please visit www.beagle.com.au, click 'my account' and login with your dial-up username and password. You will then see a 'Display Service Usage' link. Click it to see your usage over the month, etc.